Artificial intelligence (AI) is a broad term for a collection of computer algorithms that use learning-based techniques such as neural nets in order to solve problems. A subset of this is generative AI, which, in its current state, can synthesize realistic-looking images and natural-sounding text.
AI is an abomination and a curse on humanity, because it erodes the important of human expression in artistic pursuits, and encourages the reduction of all art to simply the end-product, where the originating human creator is rendered superfluous. Moreover, even in cases where a combination of human input and AI is used to create something, it is an augmentation of human and machine, and is merely an intermediate step to making technology the ultimate goal of human enterprises.
Some companies like the popular iPad app Procreate understand this, and support the human spirit:
I am also a professional photography and writer working for Photography Life, and we have already made a 100% AI free commitment.
Unfortunately, the writing-community company NaNoWriMo does not take this perspective. In fact, there was a massive controversy due to a larger explanation that NaNoWriMo put on their Zendesk website. They have since changed that, but you can still see the earlier version on the Internet Archive. Here’s a currently-active link, but in case it becomes unavailable here’s a screenshot I took today from the September 3 archived page:
This article explicitly makes the claim that categorically condemning AI is classist and ableist, because some people who do not have the same opportunities or abilities will write too poorly without the use of AI, and thus condemning their use of AI is prejudice against these people.
Of course, this is a rather ridiculous argument. One must always consider all the pros and cons of any technology at large, even if in some cases it could “help” people according to NaNoWiMo’s definition of “help”.
Regardless, there was a huge backlash against NaNoWiMo, and they subsequently changed their article. Now, it’s a bit more toned down with. Here is what they say currently on the newly updated article:
NaNoWriMo neither explicitly supports nor condemns any approach to writing, including the use of tools that leverage AI.
And, in their September letter to the community, they say:
We absolutely believe that AI must be discussed and that its ethical use must be advocated-for.
Actually, as I will explain in the next section, there is no ethical use of AI.
To be honest, their accusations, stating that condemning AI is being classist and ableist is of little concern to me. It is rather typical of technophiles to only focus on the benefits of technology, and ignore the perils. Furthermore, technophiles like to point out the people that technology helps so that people who are against the technology look like they lack empathy. It’s a rather weak and laughable attack. “Look, it helps sick children!” Give me a break.
Instead, their statement on AI of “its ethical use must be advocated-for” is why you should boycott them by not supporting them in any way, including using their platform.
Here’s why:
Their position implicitly assumes the “AI as a tool” hypothesis, which states that AI can and should be selectively used for good.
The problem with that is that AI moves as one, and that even fringe and benign uses of AI are based on the theft of the work of other artists. Moreover, the support of any use of AI supports the entirety of AI. Therefore, there is no good way to use AI: it is akin to medical experimentation on human beings. The results may save other lives, but the ends do not justify the means.
Moreover, even if there were some way to justify the creation of AI and sidestep the theft issue, it devalues human expression. If someone’s work is so unreadable so that it can only be made good with AI, does the end result even represent that person any more? No. It just allows them to create an interesting product, but that’s not the point of art. The point of art is to express oneself in an honest manner, and using AI to augment one’s own abilities removes that human expression.
And personally, I’d rather read writing that has grammatical or other flaws in it, rather than read a perfect text devoid of humanity. Actually, I’ve read a few articles by a photographer I like, and the English was not perfect but it was charming and had personality. He recently started using ChatGPT to improve the English and it sounded like every other sterile GPT article out there, completely lacking in personality. I stopped reading.
(Of course, I am aware that we have been using computerized tools for creating art for a long time, but with other methods like using a simple text-editor, there is still that critical mass of “sufficient space” for self-expression. AI removes that sufficient space.)
Finally, one must absolutely consider the bigger picture when it comes to AI. AI is exceptionally dangerous and it crushes the human spirit by devaluing the expressive nature of art, and that will only get worse. If you support any use of AI, you are supporting this destruction. AI is the pinnacle of the technological machine that is transforming all of humanity into cogs without a soul, and we must stand against it at all costs.
So, I highly recommend that you not join the NaNoWriMo community. If you’re already a part of it, delete your account and don’t support them. Personally, I refuse to read anything that has had AI influence. I’ve already unsubscribed from several YouTube channels that have started using AI imagery, including a popular piano channel that I used to like.
For those that actually value human expression, including all its beautiful flaws, let us stand against the soulless creation of AI and fight for an imperfect world where biological creatures still have significance!