This is my website’s AI (Artificial Intelligence) policy:
All AI is considered unacceptable for existence. No AI tool has been used or will ever be used for anything on this website, including but not limited to images and text. I hate AI, and I hope it burns in hell.
I wrote a detailed explanation in my newsletter. Here is the main thrust:
AI is not just a dangerous technology that will grow independent of our control. Its very existence is an affront to nature and biological life because the spirit of AI is to push intelligence beyond wisdom and replace the intellectual and creative work of human beings. AI represents the apex of overefficiency and our desire to take beyond what we need. It disrespects our existence and is a manifestation of the ethic that life does not matter. By supporting AI, you don’t just support the potential evils it can cause, you affirm and support unsustainability and you fuel the arrogance of the foolish who gamble on the false premise that AI can be controlled and tamed.